Software of the Month Club 1999 October
Software of the Month - Ultimate Collection Shareware 266.iso
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Text File
140 lines
setMenu (member memberID, string menuText)
set the text of the menu definition
getMenu (member memberID)
get the text of the current menu
clearMenu (member memberID)
clear the entire menu definition
refreshMenu (member memberID)
refresh the menu definition based on the current setting for the menuField property
redraw(member memberID)
redraws the sprite on the stage which should be called whenever the palette changes
appendItem (member memberID, string menutext, string menuspec)
append a menu item to the menu definition
insertItem (member memberID, string menutext, string menuspec)
insert a menu item in the menu definition
deleteItem (member memberID, string menuspec)
delete a menu item from the menu
disableItem (member memberID, string menuspec)
disable a menu item in the menu definition
enableItem (member memberID, string menuspec)
enable a menu item in the menu definition
getItem (member memberID, string menuSpec)
get the menu item stored in a specific place in the menu definition
setItem (member memberID, string menuspec, string menuText)
set the menu item stored in a specific place in the menu definition
clearMarks (member memberID)
clear all marks stored for the selected menu items
setAutoAlign (member memberID, boolean autoAlignOn)
set whether or not the menu will automatically be aligned to the last selected item when it is activated
setAutoMark (member memberID, boolean autoMarkOn)
set whether or not marks are to be used in the menu
setAutoText (member memberID, boolean autoTextOn)
set whether or not the last selection item should be automatically displayed
setBackcolor (member memberID, indexValue or rgbValue)
set the backColor of the menu
setDisplayText (member memberID, string text)
set the text that will appear in the menu box
setFont (member memberID, string fontname)
set the name of the font to use in the menu
setFontSize (member memberID, integer size)
set the size of the text in the menu
setForecolor (member memberID, indexValue or rgbValue)
set the foreColor of the menu
setIndicator (member memberID, integer indicatorType)
set the type of menu indicator to be used in the menu
setItemMark (member memberID, string menuspec, integer markType)
set the item mark stored for the specified menu item
setItemStyle (member memberID, string menuspec, integer styleCode) (Macintosh only)
set the style appearance of a specific menu item of the menu
setLook (member memberID, integer lookType)
set the appearance of the clickable PopMenu area
setMarkType (member memberID, integer markType)
set the type of mark that will appear next to marked items
setMenuField (member memberID, member fieldID)
set the text field associated with this PopMenu
setMenuLocation (member memberID, integer locationType)
set where the menu will appear when activated
selectedSpec (member memberID)
get the menu item specification for the most recently selected menu item
selectedText (member memberID)
get the menu item text for the most recently selected menu item
getAutoAlign (member memberID)
returns true or false, indicating whether or not the menu will automatically be aligned to the last selected item when it is activated
getAutoMark (member memberID)
returns true or false, indicating whether or not marks are to automatically be assigned to the last selected item
getAutoText (member memberID, boolean autoTextOn)
returns true or false, indicating whether or not the last selection item should be automatically displayed in the benu box
getBackcolor (member memberID)
returns the index background color value
getDisplayText (member memberID)
returns the text that is currently in the menu box
getFont (member memberID)
returns the name of the font currently applied to the menu
getFontSize (member memberID)
returns the size of the font currently applied to the menu
getForecolor (member memberID)
returns the index foreground color value
getIndicator (member memberID)
returns the indicator number currently in use
getItemMark (member memberID, string menuspec)
returns the item mark for the specified menu item
getItemStyle (member memberID, string menuspec) (Macintosh only)
returns the style appearance of a specific menu item of the menu
getLook (member memberID)
returns the current appearance of the clickable PopMenu area
getMarkType (member memberID)
returns the type of mark that will appear next to marked items
getMenuField (member memberID)
returns the text field associated with this PopMenu
getMenuLocation (member memberID)
returns an integer representing where the menu will appear when activated
help(member member ID)
launches the help engine